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for effective animal tracking in theory and practical work

NOSEWORKERS works with practical animal tracking during hunting and tracking injured animals after accidents on the roads, especially all the species of ungulates we have in northern Sweden. We are associated with the Nationella Viltolycksrådets pool of trained animal trackers, and are organized by Swedish police. Normal workload is approximately 150 missions per year.

We are also holding courses oriented towards training for tracking and practical search techniques. The courses can be adapted after individual preferences or for different types of dog working with GPS-support.

In association with  Övre Norrlands Taxklubb, ÖNTK, and Västerbottens Älghundklubb, VBÄK. tests for animal tracking are organized for all breeds of dogs at all levels according to the rules of the Swedish Kennell Club, SKK.

NOSEWORKERS staff consists at the moment of the experienced and well merited tracking dog Assa that represents a lot of experience and knowledge, and the slightly less trained Sota. She is still in training but not yet experienced enough for serious work. She has performed really well doing training searches and has done some easier sharp jobs really well, so she'll be a really good substitute for Assa when time comes.

The late veterans Toots, Puzzel and Pepsi are taking care of the tracking in dog-heaven
together with all the previous colleagues from our flock, and Stella and Zelda are not with us any more.

Here are a few examples of work; deer on the road, deer in the city, moose on the road, work in darkness.